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Essential Psychotherapy 2nd Year Training Part I in Thymaina

Part I: Therapeutic Fundamentals

The 2nd year consists of training and practice as an assistant in the First Year Basic Training. It includes a powerful self-transformation process as well as teaching of how to give sessions in channeling and other therapeutic methods.

Channeling as we define it in our work, is a state of meditation, of deep sensitivity and attunement to the source with us, and from this place sensing the other person. We learn to open up to and perceive somatic resonance, countertransference feelings and sensations, metaphorical images, internal dialogue and others.     

We also work with meditation as a pillar of the process and a catalyst for increasing consciousness and enabling transformation. With the body and our breath as a vehicle, we open up to receive guidance for our own and other's healing.  

We aim to offer the students and the participants a foundation for working with people as an Integrative therapist and to experience what it means to really work from presence. 

Some of the topics we explore are:

- The fundamentals of working with people therapeutically

- Learning in-depth work with intuition and energy

- The professional channeling session

- Deep personal and group process

- Opening up to the Essential reality

Please email Devi at for participation.